Category |New items|Third Reich|Imperial|Documents|Equip./Misc|Reproductions|


How to Order

 REF# Name Description Price(GBP) Image
 4322 Wehrpass and Arbeitsbuch to same man Wehrpass and Arbeitsbuch to Soldier – born 14/09/1894
Bernhard Stange. Issued in Naumburg - Saale .Wehrpaß issued 29.7.1937, with civilian photo, assessed twice as condition Landwehr I. WW1 service shown as 3.4.1913-20.2.1919. Arbeitsbuch issued 1910 covering employment up to 1912 in the firm of master carepenters “Carl Glitz”.
 2201 Adolf Hitler - sketch This is a modern but original pencil sketch of AH.
About A4 size and highly detailed. Original work and not a print!
 2519 SS-Obergruppenführer Heydrich - Postage Stamps from 1942 Following the assassination of Heydrich in Prague in 1942, a commemorative stamp was issued.
For sale here is a block of 4 Heydich death mask stamps and 4 other Nazi stamps.

All unused.
 2987 Death card Karl Amberger, Wound Badge holder, killed Oct 1944 6 
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